CSIR JRF NET Biodiversity MCQs Questions Part - 1

1. Different groups of seaweeds can generally be distinguished on the basis of
(a) color.
(b) size.
(c) whether they have true leaves, stems, and roots.
(d) whether they are autotrophic or heterotrophic.

2. Which of the following are protozoans?
(a) diatoms, flagellates, amoebas, and ciliates
(b) apicomplexans, flagellates, amoebas, and ciliates
(c) amoebas, actinomycetes, ciliates, and flagellates
(d) flagellates, ciliates, cyanobacteria, and apicomplexans
3. In general, how do algae and protozoans differ?
(a) Protozoans can move, and algae cannot.
(b) Algae are free-living, and protozoans are parasitic.
(c) Protozoans are autotrophic, and algae are heterotrophic.
(d) Algae are photosynthetic, and almost all protozoans are heterotrophic.
4. Most biologists agree that seaweeds are protists, even though most other protists are microscopic unicellular creatures. Some biologists think that at least some seaweeds should be considered plants, not protists. Which of the following would support the latter position?
(a) Certain seaweeds contain several kinds of specialized cells.
(b) Certain seaweeds undergo sexual and asexual reproduction.
(c) Certain seaweeds are found to be prokaryotic.
(d) Certain seaweeds have very complex cells.
5. Protozoans called choanoflagellates live in small clusters. They look very much like choanocytes, special feeding cells found in sponges, which are simple animals. Why might biologists find choanoflagellates of great evolutionary interest?
(a) They show how the very first organisms might have lived.
(b) They might show how the first heterotrophs lived.
(c) offer hint about origin of multicellular organism
(d) They suggest what the first eukaryotes might have been like.
6. Which of the following is not evidence for the role of endosymbiosis in the origin of eukaryotes?
(a) Chloroplasts have their own DNA.
(b) The inner membrane of a chloroplast is similar to prokaryotic membranes.
(c) Mitochondria and chloroplast both are surrounded by two membranes.
(d) The DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus codes for some enzymes in mitochondria
7. Protists are a diverse group of organisms that include
(a) plants. (b) algae.
(c) protozoans. (d) b and c
8. Among the following which statement is NOT a part of principles of current code adopted by XII International Botanical Congress in Leningrad (1975).
(a) Botanical nomenclature is independent of Zoological nomenclature
(b) The application of names is determined by means of nomenclature types
(c) The nomenclature of taxonomic group is based upon priority of publication
(d) Scientific names of taxonomic group are treated as Italics regardless of their derivation.
9. Different hybrid forms of the same parentage are designated as-
(a) Apomicts (b) Nothomorphs
(c) Race (d) Variety
10. According to current code for Botanical Nomenclature, the names of class must ends with-
(a) –opsida (b) –idae
(c) –ales (d) –aceae
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