Solved CSIR Life sciece cell biology questions Part 2

61. An antigen is
(a) a protein molecule that helps defend the body against disease.
(b) a type of white blood cell.
(c) an invading virus or bacterium.
(d) a foreign molecule that evokes a specific response by a lymphocyte.

62. How do memory cells differ from effector cells?
(a) Memory cells are more numerous.
(b) Memory cells are responsible for the primary immune response.
(c) Memory cells attack invaders; effector cells do not.
(d) Memory cells live longer.

63. Following tissue damage or the entry of microorganisms, an inflammatory response
may be initiated by
(a) the accumulation of phagocytes in an injured area.
(b) the release of interferon by infected cells.
(c) an increased blood flow in an infected or injured area.
(d) the release of chemicals such as histamine by damaged cells.

64. Which of the following could be considered a nonspecific defense?
(a) Intact skin creates a barrier that cannot normally be penetrated by bacteria or
(b) Secretions from sebaceous and sweat glands give the skin an acidic pH that
prevents bacterial colonization.
(c) Tears, saliva, and mucous secretions contain lysozome, an enzyme that digests
the bacterial cell wall.
(d) all of the above

65. During a secondary immune response
(a) selected B generate antibody-producing effector B cells called plasma cells.
(b) the stricken individual may become ill.
(c) about 10 to 17 days are required from exposure to maximum effector response.
(d) the generation of effector cells begins with memory cells produced during the
primary immune response.

66. Most individuals infected with HIV
(a) can live for 15 to 20 years.
(b) never develop AIDS.
(c) die from autoimmune reactions.
(d) die from other infections or cancer.

67. Tissues are typed before an organ transplant to make sure that the _____ of donor
and recipient match as closely as possible.
(a) T cells
(b) antibodies
(c) MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins
(d) histamines

68. A vaccine contains
(a) white blood cells that fight infection.
(b) antibodies that recognize invading microbes.
(c) inactivated disease-causing microbes.
(d) a hormone that boosts immunity.

69. When you are immune to a disease,
(a) antibodies against the disease are constantly circulating in your blood.
(b) certain lymphocytes are able to make the proper antibodies quickly.
(c) your nonspecific defenses are strengthened.
(d) B cells are stimulated to quickly engulf invaders.

70. In a series of immune system experiments, the thymus glands were removed from
baby mice. Which of the following would you predict as a likely result?
(a) The mice suffered from numerous allergies.
(b) The mice never developed cancerous tumors.
(c) The mice suffered from autoimmune diseases.
(d) The mice readily accepted tissue transplants.

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