June 2013 CSIR NET Life science Exam - Practice Questions

1. Which activity is necessary for the survival of a species of amoeba but not necessary for the survival of an individual member of that species?
  1. elimination of water by a contractile vacuole
  2. cross-membrane movement of oxygen
  3. ingestion
  4. binary fission
2. Which term is defined as all the chemical reactions that are required to sustain life?
  1. metabolism
  2. regulation
  3. nutrition
  4. synthesis

3. A housecat is more closely related to a

  1. dolphin
  2. songbird
  3. lynx
  4. wolf
4. A structure that performs a specialized function within a cell is known as
  1. a tissue
  2. an organelle
  3. an organ
  4. a system
5. Which organism is considered an exception to the cell theory because it has a noncellular structure?
  1. alga
  2. bacterium
  3. virus
  4. moss
6. Which chemical compound makes up the greatest percentage of a protozoan?
  1. nucleic acid
  2. glucose
  3. fatty acid
  4. water
7. Which factor does not alter the rate of hydrolysis of maltose?
  1. environmental temperature
  2. environmental pH
  3. substrate size and quantity
  4. enzyme quantity
8. One immediate cause of a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis is a reduction in the availability of
  1. carbon dioxide
  2. carbon monoxide
  3. hydrogen
  4. nitrogen
9. The function of the gastric caecum in a grasshopper is most similar to the function of the
  1. nephridium in an earthworm
  2. pancreas in a human
  3. anal pore in a paramecium
  4. nerve net in a hydra
10. Which structure is most directly responsible for maintining homeostasis in all cells?
  1. chloroplast
  2. cell membrane
  3. centriole
  4. cell wall
1. binary fission
2. metabolism
3. lynx
4. an organelle
5. virus
6. water
7. substrate size and quantity
8. carbon dioxide
9. pancreas in a human
10. cell membrane