If you already attened exams like CSIR, ICMR, GATE, DBT NET JRF you will always come across questions about units of measurement like how you measure Current, Bel represent what, etc. Here we collected most of the Units and measurement commonly asked in the biology entrance exam. Add more if you know in comment section
Ampere | Electric current |
Angstrom | Wave-length and also lengths of atomic dimensions |
Bar | Atmospheric pressure |
Becquerel | Radioactivity |
Bel | Intensity of Sound |
Calorie | Quantity of Heat |
Candela | Luminous intensity |
Candle power | Illuminating power of source of light |
Celsius (Centigrade) | Temperature |
Coulomb | Electric Charge |
Decibel | Intensity of sound (1/10th of Bel) |
Dyne | Force |
Electron-volt | Energy |
Erg | Work or Energy |
Fahrenheit | Temperature |
Farad | Electric Capacitance |
Faraday | Electric Charge |
Fathom | Depth of water |
Foot Candle | Brightness |
Gauss | Magnetic Induction |
Henry | Inductance |
Hertz | Frequency |
Horse-power | Power |
Joule | Work or Energy |
Kelvin | Thermodynamic temperature |
Kilogram | Mass |
Knot | Speed of Ship and Aircraft |
Lambert | Brightness |
Light Year | Stellar Distance |
Lumen | Luminous flux |
Maxwell | Magnetic flux |
Metre | Length |
Mole | Amount of Substance |
Nautical Mile | Distance in Navigation |
Newton | Force (metric) |
Newton metre | Work |
Oersted | Magnetic Intensity |
Ohm | Electrical Resistance |
Pascal | Stress |
Poise | Viscosity |
Quintal | Weight (metric) |
Radian | Plane Angle |
Second | Time |
Tesla | Magnetic Flux Density |
Volt | Electric Potential |
Watt | Power |
Weber | Magnetic Flux |