If you already attened exams like CSIR, ICMR, GATE, DBT NET JRF you will always come aross questions about land mark dates in field of science like who formulated First Test Tube Baby who discovered aspirin here we collected such list of milestons in Biology/ Medicine. You can add more if you like to share in the comment section
SNo | Discovery / Invention | Year | Discoverer / Inventor | Country |
1 | Adrenaline | 1894 | Schafer and Oliver | Britain |
2 | Anesthesia, Local | 1885 | Koller | Austria |
3 | Anesthesia, Spinal | 1898 | Bier | Germany |
4 | Anti-toxins (Science of Immunity) | 1890 | Behring and Kitasato | Germany, Japan |
5 | Aspirin | 1889 | Dreser | Germany |
6 | Ayurveda | 2000-1000 BC | India | |
7 | Bacteria | 1683 | Leeuwenhock | Netherlands |
8 | Bacteriology | 1872 | Ferdinand Cohn | Germany |
9 | Biochemistry | 1648 | Jan Baptista Van Helmont | Belgium |
10 | Blood Plasma storage (Blood bank) | 1940 | Drew | U.S.A |
11 | Blood Transfusion | 1625 | Jean-Baptiste Denys | France |
12 | Cardiac Pacemaker | 1932 | A.S Hyman | U.S.A |
13 | CAT Scanner | 1968 | Godfrey Hounsfield | Britain |
14 | Chemotherapy | 1493-1541 | Paracelsus | Switzerland |
15 | Chloroform as anaesthetic | 1847 | James Simpson | Britain |
16 | Chloromycetin | 1947 | Burkholder | U.S.A |
17 | Cholera T.B germs | 1877 | Robert Koch | Germany |
18 | Circulation of blood | 1628 | William Harvey | Britain |
19 | Cryo-Surgery | 1953 | Henry Swan | U.S.A |
20 | Diphtheria germs | 1883-84 | Klebs and Loffler | Germany |
21 | Electro-Cardiograph | 1903 | Willem Einthoven | Netherlands |
22 | Electro-encephalogram | 1929 | Hand Berger | Germany |
23 | Embryology | 1792-1896 | Kari Ernest Van Baer | Estonia |
24 | Endocrinology | 1902 | Bayliss and Starling | Britain |
25 | First Test Tube Baby | 1978 | Steptoe and Edwards | Britain |
26 | Gene Therapy on humans | 1980 | Martin Clive | U.S.A |
27 | Genes associated with cancer | 1982 | Robert Weinberg and others | U.S.A |
28 | Heart Transplant Surgery | 1967 | Christian Barnard | S. Africa |
29 | Histology | 1771-1802 | Marie Bichat | France |
30 | Hypodermic syringe | 1853 | Alexander wood | Britain |
31 | Kidney Machine | 1944 | Kolf | Netherlands |
32 | Leprosy Bacillus | 1873 | Hansen | Norway |
33 | LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) | 1943 | Hoffman | Switzerland |
34 | Malaria Germs | 1880 | Laveran | France |
35 | Morphine | 1805 | Friderich Sertumer | Germany |
36 | Neurology | 1758-1828 | Franz Joseph Gall | Germany |
37 | Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging | 1971 | Raymond Damadian | U.S.A |
38 | Open Heart Surgery | 1953 | Walton Lillehel | U.S.A |
39 | Oral Contraceptive Pills | 1955 | Gregory Pincus, Rock | U.S.A |
40 | Penicillin | 1928 | Alexander Fleming | Britain |
41 | Physiology | 1757-66 | Albrecht Von Haller | Switzerland |
42 | Positron emission Tomography | 1978 | Louis Sokoloff | U.S.A |
43 | Rabies Vaccine | 1860 | Louis Pasteur | France |
44 | Recombinant-DNA technology | 1972-73 | Paul Berg, H.W. Boyer,S Cohen | U.S.A |
45 | Reserpine | 1949 | Jal Vakil | India |
46 | Rh-factor | 1940 | Karl Landsteiner | U.S.A |
47 | Serology | 1884-1915 | Paul Ehrlich | Germany |
48 | Sex hormones | 1910 | Eugen Steinach | Australia |
49 | Small Pox eradicated | 1980 | W.H.O Declaration | UN |
50 | Stethoscope | 1819 | Rene Laennec | France |
51 | Streptomycin | 1944 | Selman Waksmann | U.S.A |
52 | Synthetic Antigens | 1917 | Landsteiner | U.S.A |
53 | Terramycin | 1950 | Finlay and Others | U.S.A |
54 | Thyroxin | 1919 | Edward Calvin-Kendall | U.S.A |
55 | Typhus Vaccine | 1909 | J. Nicolle | France |
56 | Vaccination | 1796 | Edward Jenner | Britain |
57 | Vaccine, Measles | 1963 | Enders | U.S.A |
58 | Vaccine, Meningitis | 1987 | Gardon, et al. Connaught Lab | U.S.A |
59 | Vaccine, Polio | 1954 | Jonas Salk | U.S.A |
60 | Vaccine, Polio-orai | 1960 | Albert Sabin | U.S.A |
61 | Vaccine, Rabies | 1885 | Louis Pasteur | France |
62 | Vaccine, Smallpox | 1776 | Jenner | Britain |
63 | Virology | 1892 | Ivanovski and Bajernick | USSR, Netherlands |
64 | Vitamin A | 1913 | Mc Collum and M. Davis | U.S.A |
65 | Vitamin B1 | 1936 | Minot and Murphy | U.S.A |
66 | Vitamin C | 1919 | Froelich Holst | Norway |
67 | Vitamin D | 1925 | Mc Collum | U.S.A |
68 | Vitamin K | 1938 | Doisy Dam | U.S.A |
69 | Western Scientific Therapy | 460-370 BC | Hippocrates | Greece |
70 | Yoga | 200-100 BC | Patanjali | India |